SFBB Ten Top Tips

SFBB Tips – This synopsis provides an overview of ten essential food safety tips. Firstly, it recommends that all food is cooked to the correct temperature to kill any bacteria that may be present.

It then suggests that any leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within two days. Additionally, it encourages people to wash their hands before and after handling food to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

The synopsis also stresses the importance of avoiding cross-contamination by storing raw and cooked foods separately, using separate chopping boards and utensils, and cleaning surfaces and utensils after use.

It also advises against thawing food at room temperature and suggests that people store frozen food in the freezer until needed. Furthermore, it encourages people to be mindful of ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates and to discard any food that appears to have gone off.

Finally, it advises that any food that is being served should not have been left out for more than two hours and that any food served at a picnic or barbecue should be kept cold.

10 SFBB Training Tips

1. Have a food safety management system:

A food safety management system is vital for any food business. It helps you to identify potential risks and put controls in place to minimise them.

2. Train your staff:

All staff should be trained in food safety and hygiene. Make sure they understand the risk of cross contamination and the importance of keeping food safe.

3. Keep records: Keeping records of food safety checks and training is important to ensure that everyone in the business is aware of their responsibilities.

4. Separate raw and ready-to-eat food:

Store raw and ready-to-eat foods separately and never place cooked food back on the same plate or surface that held raw food.

5. Clean and disinfect food contact surfaces:

Ensure all food contact surfaces are cleaned and disinfected regularly to reduce the risk of contamination.

6. Control time and temperature: Monitor the time and temperature at which food is cooked, cooled, reheated and stored.

7. Identify and control food hazards: Identify and control any food hazards that could cause food poisoning.

8. Personal hygiene: Ensure that all staff follow good personal hygiene practices such as handwashing and wearing clean clothing.

9. Clean and disinfect equipment:

Clean and disinfect all equipment regularly to reduce the risk of contamination.

10. Monitor and review: Monitor and review food safety procedures regularly to ensure they are up to date and effective.


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